Monday, July 16, 2012

A Big Thank You

It has been a month since I last posted and so much has happen.  To those who receive cards there will be another shipment in August hopefully.  

Well, after six weeks of testing every organ in this body!!  Life changes have happen - but to the  Glory of our Savior who brought me through.

Had surgery last week to unclog Carotid Artery which was 98% blocked.  Very sore and weak as dishwater but I am moving forward.  I have been diagnosis ed with Heart and Lung Disease.  I am obviously very lucky as they believe I had had a heart attack or two and one of the TIA's probably were a full stroke as I lost a function that has not returned. During surgery they tell me they almost lost me a few times....and all were amazed in my recovery - that is because God was in control.  Life changes are hard  but very necessary if I want to continue to live:)  I was a smoker for the last 40+ years so you know that went out the window.  For years I have tried to stop - Facing Death was the trick for sure.....don't even miss them with my coffee lol...  Changing dietary - even though I really don't eat that much - I love the wrong things - like cheese - all kinds -  So that is over as well or at least limited.  

Most know we left NJ to work in the church in the city.....I have passed the baton over to 
someone else as I can no longer do steps- and take on the day to day responsibilities of the building and the groups .  The city was an experience I will treasure for many years....but I love our new and I mean brand new digs!!!!   I will be close to the grands again, and that always makes me smile...the only draw back is hubby travel time increases by one hour :(.

The family is packing up our place in Philly so when we move I am sure it will take me a few months to get things right...but it will all be worth it as hubby and I have been living in two different places for the pass 6 weeks, and I really miss my guy!!!

So as you can see I have been a little busy and unable to create any cards until soreness is gone and the ability to move my neck is back.....but God is a good God.....he has kept me safe in his arms and I am so thankful......

OK I am off to check out some blogs that I haven't been able to check out for a while....